Headwaters Communities In Action Receives $70,900 Resilient Communities Grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation
Friday, April 22, 2022

HCIA has received $70,900 from the OTF Resilient Communities Fund to rebuild and recover from impacts of COVID-19 by developing a strategic and communications plan, conducting training for…
National Volunteer Week is April 18-24, 2021
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
National Volunteer Week (NVW) is a time to celebrate, recognize and thank volunteers, and to create awareness for the important work that millions of people do across Canada!…
United Way Volunteer Opportunities – Apply by April 15, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Board of Directors & CommitteesUnited Way is currently recruiting four individuals to join their Board who will be elected at their Annual General Meeting on May 27, 2021….
Headwaters Communities in Action Receives $76,700 Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant for Local Food Programs
Thursday, February 18, 2021
HCIA has received $76,700 from the OTF Resilient Communities Fund in support of the popular Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance, Farm to School Program. The funding will assist…
HCIA Held Virtual AGM December 9, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, Headwaters Communities In Action took the occasion of their Annual General Meeting to connect attendees with some community builders and neighbours and to…
Career Education Council November Activities
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Stronger Together Youth Workshop Series At the Career Education Council (CEC), we have been looking for new ways to support youth, especially during these difficult times. As a new…
An Open Letter From Volunteer Centres
Monday, September 7, 2020
On Labour Day, September 7th 2020, we join our Volunteer Centre colleagues across the country in publishing a co-authored, open letter to advocate for the essential role of…
Headwaters Health Care AGM
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Headwaters Health Care Centre held its first virtual Annual General Meeting this month. The hospital shared some of its successes with staff, volunteer, community partners and partners in…
Peel 2041: Regional Official Plan Review and MCR June Update
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Region of Peel is undertaking the Peel 2041: Regional Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review process. The goal of this policy work is to implement new Regional…