Career Education Council November Activities

Stronger Together Youth Workshop Series

At the Career Education Council (CEC), we have been looking for new ways to support youth, especially during these difficult times. 

As a new initiative, we have launched the Stronger Together 3-module, workshop series, for youth between the ages of 15-30 years old. This interactive virtual workshop will address the importance of self-care, empathy, and shared goals, to work effectively within a team. Through completion of this workshop series, youth will be able to take away key skills and strategies that will empower them to work cohesively, as a team player.

The CEC is now booking youth groups, to take part in this interactive and experiential process of learning, demonstrating and reflecting. If you are interested in booking a workshop please complete this form

We are consistently striving to incorporate youth feedback into our workshops, to ensure our content remains relevant to youth audiences. As such we would appreciate feedback from your youth groups, regarding their experiences with teamwork.  

For more information please contact either Gajuna Mathiyalagan, Program Assistant at or Sadia Batool, Administrative & Outreach Assistant  at

Thrive in the Workplace & Workplace Wellness Workshops

Thrive in the Workplace is a workplace wellness and readiness initiative offering training and resources for employees and future employees through direct delivery, virtual workshops and an app available on both iOS and Android devices.

Thrive workshops (now offered virtually), provide highly valuable training around the unique stressors and workplace demands faced particularly relevant to front-line customer service and client care employees.

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