Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance

The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance Vision (HFFA)
The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) envisions a food system in the Headwaters that is productive, sustainable, transparent, and fair; supports the health and well-being of our residents and food providers; and contributes to the prosperous and equitable economy.
Guiding Principles of Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA)
- All Headwaters residents have access to—and can afford to eat—safe, nutritious and culturally acceptable food system
- All Headwaters residents have the skills and knowledge to support healthy eating and make healthy food choices
- There is a diverse and sustainable food and farming system in Headwaters.
The foundations of this system include a skilled work force, informed residents and a protected land base - Agriculture and food businesses are connected to each other and to the community in order to contribute to job creation and a prosperous economy
- Headwaters residents, politicians, and leaders are actively engaged in making and implementing decisions to positively impact our food and farming system
The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance is a collaborative initiative which oversees and supports activities across multiple Working Groups with a vision to foster a food system in the Headwaters that is productive, sustainable, transparent, and fair; supports the health and well-being of our residents and food providers; and contributes to the prosperous and equitable economy. The primary objectives of HFFA are to grow a stronger local economy through the development of a local food system that includes residents who have access to healthy food and have the skills needed to support healthy eating, a diverse and sustainable farming system and local leaders who embrace the development of a local food system through development of supportive policies.
Growing the Food System within the Headwaters Region
The following report and recommendations identifies the barriers and challenges faced by those working in the local food system in order to find solutions that will help the Headwaters Region establish a local, viable food system, enhance local food security, and develop local economies. As we learned throughout the course of our research, the interest and determination in strengthening the food network, in terms of a desire to eat locally grown food, supporting local producers, economies and the environment, and improving food security is highly valued by residents within the Headwaters Region.
rowing the Food System within the Headwaters Region Report – Executive Summary
Copies of the full report are available. If you would like a copy of the full report, please email food@headwaterscommunities.org
Growing a Local Food System in Headwaters Recommendations
Presentation from the 2014 food event
Get the picture:
Infographic from the Food Summit
We have released an infographic representing the great outputs from the 2013 Food Summit. HCIA will be getting out to municipal delegations to tell everyone about these results. This research was supported by funding from the Healthy Communities Partnership administered through our local public health unit, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, and was supported with data and guidance by the Town of Caledon and Dufferin.Biz. HFFA will release a supporting document in the near future outlining the work plan as it relates to the recommendations defined in the report.
Learn More…
Headwaters “Farm to School” Programs
With support from the Government of Ontario, the Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance is embarking on two pilot programs that will bring more local food and farming education to students and families in Dufferin County, Caledon and Erin. Learn more about the Farm to School Workshops and Food Club >
Headwaters Food Summit and Local Food Trade Fair 2012
One hundred and thirty five participants – representing virtually part of our region’s food system – came together at the inaugural Headwaters Food Summit and Local Food Trade Fair to discover new ways of working together to positively impact the Headwaters Foodshed.
Below you’ll find links to the presentations made by various event presenters:
- The What, Why & How of Local Food:
Lauren Baker, Toronto Food Policy Council – This keynote made a case for championing our region’s food system and offered a vision of its possibilities and benefits. - Food & Farming As An Economic Driver: Janet Horner, GTA Agriculture Action Committee – This presentation shared highlights of the GTA AAC’s Food & Farming Action Plan and the opportunities it offers Headwaters.
- The Paradox of Food:
Amanda Montgomery, The STOP Community Food Centre – This presentation documented the journey of The STOP from a food bank to a healthy community food centre and shifted its approach from one of charity to one of food justice for all. - Diversifed Local Food Opportunities:
Tom Wilson, Spirit Tree Estate Cidery – This presentation highlights the journey of a local producer to earn a decent living – and create employment – through adopting a diversified approach to local food & farming. - Repowering the Local Food & Farming System:
Karen Hutchinson, Caledon Countryside Alliance – This presentation highlights the work of the Caledon Countryside Alliance and Eat Local Caledon to offer community programs & education to support the rebuilding of the local food & farm economy.
An emerging vision for the Headwaters Food System was reviewed and discussed. As well, participants identified a number of actions for making this vision a reality.
Five priorities were identified as the opportunities that participants wanted to move forward together first:
- Growing Awareness – Raising awareness & educating re the how, why & where of food issues, including food access
- Culinary Tourism – Profiling local farms and businesses to locals and tourists
- School Programs – School-based food, farming & food literacy programs
- Facilitating Distribution – Linking producers to consumers to strengthen our local food economy
- Improving Policy – Reducing barriers and creating supportive environments to grow our sustainable regional food system
Have your say!
A number of participants have indicated their interest in volunteering on working groups on each of these five priorities. If you have not done so and would to be involved in a working group around one of these priorities, please click here and complete a brief poll regarding your continued involvement.
We also welcome any additional ideas and insights that you may want to share – please comment at the bottom of this page and we’ll get back to you.
Download the full 2012 Headwaters Food Summit Recommendations for Action Report and the Report Appendices here.
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Pingback: Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance Release report on Growing the Food System within the Headwaters Region : Dufferin.Biz – Dufferin County, Ontario, Canada
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