Leadership Council

The Leadership Council is composed of a dedicated team of community leaders from diverse sectors who are responsible for setting the strategic direction for Headwaters Communities in Action.  The Leadership Council is the HCIA Board with an emphasis on community leadership.

Leadership Council Members

  • Elizabeth Hawkins (Chair) 
  • Jennifer Hamilton (Vice Chair)
  • Neetu Dane (Treasurer)
  • Christine Walker (Secretary)
  • Trish Keachie
  • Philip Rentsch (Dufferin County Council Representative)
  • Pam Mauti
  • Joan McDonald
  • Nichole MacPherson
  • Rebecca Weston
  • Tania Vincent




What does it mean to be on the Leadership Council of HCIA?

Since our inception in late 2004, HCIA has been a convener of community conversations.  We provide citizens with information about emerging issues and opportunities and also support the start-up of collaborative projects that enhance community well-being. We function as a backbone organization, a community partner and a communicator.

That means our Leadership Council members should be leaders from the community who can:

  • Act as Ambassadors for HCIA within the community
  • Identify and engage citizens to join the organization
  • Ensuring that all committees and projects are true to HCIA’s vision and mandate
  • Monitor the work of the Working Groups
  • Selecting and monitor consultants and other resources to support the work of HCIA
  • Keep an eye out for new initiatives, partnerships and connections
  • Approve an annual budget and oversee our financial management

We are happy to answer any questions – please get in touch with us!

Seeking engaged and community-minded people!

Are you connected to the Headwaters community? Are you interested in making life better together, and the current and future project opportunities that can make that happen? HCIA is seeking Leadership Council members. Please connect with Headwaters Communities in Action and start the conversation.


Mailing Address:
246372 Hockley Rd
Mono, ON L9W 6K4



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