Centre Fellowship Church – Centre Cafe

Sharing Recipient Stories
2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant
Centre Cafe is a ministry of Centre Fellowship Church and it is our greatest desire to serve the Orangeville community in practical ways. How we do this is through food preparation. We have a wonderful growing little Cafe that is open to the public that is blessed to have a small part-time staff as well as many volunteers. As part of the Cafe ministry we also serve various community partners. We make soup on a weekly basis for the Lighthouse (Soup Kitchen) and provide baked goods and other food needs at a very minimal cost to the Pulse Cafe at Headwaters Hospital. We also offer freezer meals at a reasonable price as well as providing them for people/families in need at no cost. In the past we have partnered with the Foodbank and provided frozen soups for their various programs. It is our desire to partner with them again in 2025 in providing soups and meals as needed on a monthly basis. One of the challenges in being a non-profit organization is that we don’t have the funds to purchase good working equipment all the time. We are dependent on donors and grants to help us in this area. This grant allowed us to purchase our first brand new freezer to store our freezer meals and food supplies for our various community outreach opportunities. We were also able to purchase packaging for our freezer meals. It has been wonderful to have a reliable freezer over the past several months. Our freezer meal program, in particular, has become a growing success, especially with seniors in our community. They often tell us how thankful they are for a homemade meal at a reasonable price that tastes wonderful!
We feel so blessed to be able to serve others in a community that genuinely cares for one another. We are so thankful that the Dufferin Community is always willing to support organizations that want to help those within the community. A freezer may not seem like a big deal for most people … but it is a huge deal for us! Thank you!
Barb White, Community Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator
Centre Cafe