Primrose Elementary School

Sharing Recipient Stories
2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our story
The Breakfast and Nutrition Program at Primrose is going strong! A large team of student and staff volunteers contribute daily to make this such a success. Every day, a bin of healthy, delicious, and school-safe snacks arrives to each classroom. We make great efforts to source cost-effective foods that satisfy nutritional and program requirements, and our students really enjoy the variety of foods and flavours we can offer. From our Kindies to our Grade Eights, we hear many appreciative comments throughout the day, like “I like the cheese, but today I needed a whole muffin so I can learn.” Our volunteers also hear a “Thank You” multiple times per day as they’re delivering and collecting materials. One child was heard to say, “I’m so thankful that the snack program is here at our school. I need a snack after my bus ride to school and I don’t have a good day when I’m hungry.”
Where families are struggling financially, we are also able to help with events like Pizza days, striving for equity by supplementing for families who would like to participate but might not otherwise be able.
These snacks are meant for any student who might need more than what is packed in their lunch bag on any given day. We see that once our students’ bellies are satisfied, their brains and bodies are ready to learn. Primarily, the program exists as a means to support the growing bodies and minds of all of our fantastic students.
~Mike Steer (he / him)
Vice-Principal, Primrose Elementary School
636064 Prince of Wales Rd, Mulmur, ON, L9V 0B8
519-925-3939 ext 224