Orangeville and District Seniors

Sharing Recipient Stories
2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our story
100 seniors and 30 volunteers enjoyed a traditional turkey dinner served by youth and members of the Orangeville Optimist Club. Local entertainment was provided by the band Poolside Revival. The meal was prepared using fresh Ontario grown produce and products with recommended food safety practices. Bernadette said that the whole event was excellent. Jack said that the entertainment was good and so was all the food. Nancy said that the food was delicious, the service by youth excellent and all were so helpful. Everyone had a great time. The seniors greatly appreciated the service and assistance provided by youth and service club members. Youth became aware of some of the mobility challenges faced by seniors. Sharing good nutritious food, the company of other seniors, listening to and singing along with the familiar songs played by the band lifts spirits, reduces social isolation and enlarges community connections. Connected seniors are better able to remain active and independent which is good for the community.
The Orangeville and District Seniors Centre is a growing vibrant community hub that is accessible, affordable and a safe place to gather for recreation and social activities. The Seniors Centre provides opportunities for recreation, education and culture. It fosters skills and knowledge. To reduce social isolation and improve health and well being.
Brenda Watson