North Dufferin Agricultural Taskforce

Sharing Recipient Stories
2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
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In order to encourage maximal community involvement in the well registration process, NDACT conducted three well registration events.
The first was held at Horning’s Mills Hall on February 3, 2024, to assist community members with the registration of eligible wells in the Target Participation Area (the ‘TPA’) and to answer questions and clarify community concerns. The marketing for this registration day included producing 6 – 24” x 48” road signs posted at key locations as well as producing registration forms. The registration day was a great success with 75 new on-site registrations.
A further registration day was held on March 2, 2024, with 10 signs placed in key catchment areas – 6 road signs were revised (date patch) and 4 additional signs were created. Two full page ads were placed in the Shelburne Free Press and Dundalk Herald and ran the week prior to the event.
Finally, in late April, a door-to-door campaign was run where NDACT Board Members visited all properties in the TPA that had not yet submitted registration forms.
The HCIA grant funds helped pay for marketing and print materials to support our community engagement resulting in a successful well registration campaign (63% participation rate).
NDACT is grateful for the financial support from the HCIA Groundwork Grant which helped ensure a successful well registration campaign.
Julie Roy
North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Taskforce (NDACT)
(416) 452-0506