Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County

Sharing Recipient Stories
2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant
The Social was a place where clients and ASDC staff came together to socialize and engage in a space that promoted support and compassion for persons living with dementia. Social programs help alleviate some of the day-to-day challenges faced by our clients and caregivers.
“As a caregiver I was happy for my husband to get out of the house with some different people and be able to socialize.”
“Mom enjoyed going to the Wednesday afternoons. She engaged in activities, there were lots of options provided when it came to activities.”
“I loved all aspect of the program.”
“The crafts offered were fun and that the staff made time to sit and engage is a lovely thing. I appreciate all you do, many, many thanks.”
Carmelina Cicuto
Alzheimer Society Dufferin County