Caledon Dufferin Victim Services

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2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
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CDVS consultants researched & created a comprehensive package of outreach materials including a new CDVS booklet and pamphlet to distribute to clients who have been involved in a serious or fatal motor vehicle collisions in Dufferin County. Information includes where to turn for key information, next steps, & County specific supports/ resources for longer term issues of grief/bereavement/counselling.
CDVS also created a social media campaign highlighting to bring awareness to the agency’s role in assisting victims of MVCs and issues of road safety including where to turn for additional information on key safety issues affecting drivers in Dufferin County. This aligns with the County of Dufferin’s strategic priority of Community and supporting community well-being and safety through collaboration and partnerships as well as ensuring inclusive and equitable services to the County of Dufferin.
Road & community safety have been consistent priorities identified by the residents of Dufferin during Community Safety and Wellbeing surveys and CDVS is pleased to have been able to contribute to addressing this community priority area.
Dorothy Davis – Executive Director, Caledon\Dufferin Victim Services,, 905-951-3838,