Big Brothers Big Sisters

Sharing Recipient Stories
2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant
We used funds to support our Big Brother Big Sister program allowing us to match more children facing adversity with a caring mentor. Research overwhelming shows that a supportive, committed relationship with an adult can contribute to positive youth development, physical health and life-long success. By providing young people who are struggling in Dufferin County with a supportive Mentor, individuals will thrive, and our community will prosper.
When asked what is the best part about being with his mentor, a Little Brother in our program said “the middle of an outing because I don’t want it to end.”
“I’m so grateful that my Grandson has someone to talk to about issues he feels he can’t to me about.” Grandmother of a Little Brother in our program.
“The best part about the program is the opportunity for my son to create new relationships that will last a lifetime.” Mother of a Little Brother in our program.
“The best part about being a mentor is hanging out with my Little Sister, being able to give back to the community, having fun, being able to encourage growth in young people.” Big Sister Mentor.
Our program aligns with the County’s Strategic Priority under Community and Support community well-being and safety through collaboration and partnerships. Our programs foster community well-being in both the short term and long term for the children, their families and volunteers who have benefited from our mentoring program.
Thank you to the County for your support. Your on-going support for our core program truly helps us to stay in operation.
Nancy Stallmach, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin & District, 519-941-6431