Bethell Hospice

Sharing Recipient Stories
2024 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant
The 14th Annual Hike for Bethell Hospice was held on May 5th, coinciding with National Hospice Palliative Care Week, at the Lloyd Wilson Centennial Arena in Inglewood. This year, thanks to funds from Dufferin County, participation was free, growing our community together, leading to a record turnout of over 485 hikers and raising over $247,000 for Bethell Hospice. These funds contribute to the $1.7 million annual goal to support Bethell Hospice residents, their families, and community programs in Dufferin County.
The hike impacts many community supporters and past family residents who attend to connect and celebrate their loved ones’ lives.
To highlight Bethell Hospice’s work, we would like to share resident Maria Brown’s end-of-life story.
Maria’s companion, her dog, Stella, was crucial to her during her final days. Upon arriving at Bethell Hospice, Maria was warmly welcomed by a caring team and settled into her room, with large windows and a patio door for Stella.
Maria’s five Canadian friends became her family, taking turns staying with her and Stella. They spent Christmas 2023 Facetiming with Maria’s family in Europe and rang in the new year together. Bethell Hospice became a home away from home, with staff becoming friends.
“Maria lived life to the fullest, even with the cloud of cancer looming over her. The care Maria received was second to none, and the staff and volunteers were exceptional with their kindness, compassion and professionalism. It gave great comfort to those of us closest to her throughout her stay at Bethell Hospice that she was in such a special place.” Marie Manger
In Maria’s honour, her friends and Stella participated in the Hike for Bethell Hospice to raise funds for quality end-of-life care.
We recognize that the granting of these funds has a positive impact on both the County of Dufferin and Bethell Hospice Foundation. As of October 1st, Bethell Hospice became the sole provider of hospice palliative care in Dufferin County. The support we received allowed us to expand our reach into the community and engage with local citizens.
Next year we will be celebrating our 15 year anniversary and look forward to furthering our relationships and continuing our care within the county.
On behalf of those who need us, thank you Dufferin County for your support helping us make the Hike for Bethell Hospice event a success.
Lisa Benedikt, Senior Manger, Fund Development