Orangeville & District Senior Citizens Centre

Sharing Recipient Stories
2023 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
With a Community Grant of $6,200, Orangeville Seniors Centre was able to offer a locally produced Christmas dinner and entertainment to 100 seniors and over 20 volunteers in Orangeville & District.
Funds from the Community Grant allowed the Board and over 20 volunteers to offer a home cooked and locally sourced Christmas dinner to 100 seniors in Orangeville & District. We learned about turkey production cycles and how most of the fresh turkeys produced locally are raised for the late December Christmas market. We purchased fresh turkey from Dave the Butcher who sourced them from Hayter’s Turkey Farm, Dashwood. Reid’s Potato Farm & Market was the source of locally grown potatoes and carrots. Other dinner ingredients came from local retailers including poinsettias purchased from 10&10 Garden Centre in Mono, these plants were grown in the Niagara Region. Cooks prepared the food with an eye to good nutrition and food safety measures implemented. Seniors learned about keeping food out of the danger zone to stay healthy. Our local Orangeville District Secondary School Senior Girls Basketball team volunteered to help set up for dinner and serve the food. Everyone commented that the food was delicious and piping hot. Orangeville Optimist Club Members helped with the food serving and clear up afterwards. So many volunteers put in countless hours to offer this meal to our seniors. Local rock and roll band Dazegoneby entertained the group with a plethera of songs that had toes tapping. Great entertainment. Thank you to the Community Grant for all of your support. ” Best dinner and entertainment this season, awesome service from the youth volunteers” Pat Ferguson
The interaction between the youth volunteers and the seniors was awesome. We are fortunate to live in a community with such amazing local producers and retailers offering nutritious and delicious produce for all. We emphasized buying local food. We hope this will become a tradition.
Brenda Watson, Administrator, Orangeville Seniors Centre