I Challenge Diabetes

Sharing Recipient Stories
2023 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
With your support, we operated a Diabetes Workshop in the Island Lake Conservation Area in Orangeville. The event welcomed children and youth living with type 1 diabetes and their families to hike the Vicki Barron Lakeside Trail while receiving diabetes support and connecting with others in the diabetes community.
The program aligned with Dufferin County’s Strategic Priority of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by providing people living with a chronic illness with safe access to recreational activities while providing dedicated support and coaching.
Our Diabetes Workshop helped to support participants’ diabetes management skills to promote long-term positive health outcomes. The program also helped to build community. For many, living with a chronic illness can be extremely challenging and connecting with others who have similar experiences is tremendously transformative. As one workshop participant stated, “It was great to meet so many people of all ages who are living with Type 1, it made us feel less alone!”
Across all of our Workshops in 2023, 97% of participants reported that they received the support they were looking for and 87% reported that they learned a new diabetes management strategy or skill they will implement into their daily routine.
Patrick Herold, Development Officer, I Challenge Diabetes
Email: patrick@ichallengediabetes.org
Phone: 1-877-776-0667
Website: https://ichallengediabetes.org/