Grand Valley Public Library

Sharing Recipient Stories
2023 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
Accessible food preparation/cooking classes for youth in Grand Valley and surrounding areas.
Our program Let’s Cook has entailed to date, three (3) six (6) week blocks of 1.5 hours per week of cooking instruction for youth grades 5-8. Each class had 9-10 participants all who were residents of Dufferin County. Each week the youth worked in pairs or groups to make one dish each week from start to finish, from the food preparation (chopping, measuring, recipe preparation) to cooking the dish, and to cleaning all of their work stations and dishes used. Each youth were also provided a hearty portion of their culinary masterpieces to take home with them. The youth were required to utilize and develop many skill sets such as cooperation, time management, organization, listening and attention to detail when working within our classes, and these skills were ones that we saw marked improvement with most youth from week to week. Many of the youth had not had a lot of exposure to cooking or food preparation, and again, their progression from each week was marked. It has been an incredible program to watch youth learn and grow with their learning and skills.
Our program was of very low cost of only $30.00 per youth for 6 weeks of classes, and we had one youth who identified that this cost was a barrier and we were able to offer this to them free of cost due to the grant provided. Therefore this program was one that allowed for the youth who participated to have fulsome meal if food insecurity was an issue within their home.
This program allowed for new and exciting programming to be offered in our area that is low cost and engaging for youth. Our local community has not had cooking classes offered in the recent years.
This program allows for fun and engaging skill development of food preparation and culinary skills.
When we first advertised this program we were able to fill the first 10 spots within 24 hours, and filled 2 waitlists in the week afterwards. The feedback we have had from parents and our youth who have participated has been incredible. We continuously have parents telling us that kids have come home eating foods that they would not eat at home. We have had many of the youth that have participated ask repeatedly when the next sessions are taking place and overall both youth and parents have stated how much fun they have had all while learning the valuable skill of cooking and food preparation.
Grand Valley Public Library 4 Amaranth Street E, Grand Valley ON, 519-928-5622