Dufferin Parent Support Network

Sharing Recipient Stories
2023 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
The $12,000 community grant empowered Dufferin Parent Support Network (DPSN) to offer 30 free parenting workshops in 2023, benefiting nearly 425 parents and caregivers! DPSN knows that when parents feel supported, it has a positive ripple effect on the well-being of their children and in turn our community.
The Dufferin Parent Support Network recognizes the challenges parents face, and we’re here to lend a helping hand with a mix of workshops and online resources. Our workshops are designed to support parents by providing a welcoming and inclusive space where they can gain insights into managing tough behaviors, as well as navigating big emotions like stress and anger. Our goal is to make the overwhelming aspects of parenting a bit more bearable by equipping parents with practical strategies to respond effectively. In harmony with Dufferin County’s diversity priorities, our online workshop format has lowered barriers of access by eliminating travel and childcare obstacles for parents who are already busy and overwhelmed.
In alignment with Dufferin County’s youth service goals, DPSN’s parenting workshops promote more effective, responsive parenting, which can help develop children’s confidence and self-esteem leading to increased resilience, accountability and responsibility. Empowered to reach their full potential, children become better equipped to confront ongoing challenges, ultimately positioning them as more effective contributors to the community in the future.
Here is what our parents are saying:
- “Great workshop filled with awesome information and excellent strategies with great coping mechanisms to use as a parent to detect and cope with stress in Children. I love all of your workshops, please keep them coming along, it’s helping parents like myself out there, you are all appreciated.”
- “Fabulous, thank you. I now have a much better insight into anxiety, its origin and how to start to manage.”
- “Discipline without Yelling workshop gave us some effective techniques to use with our more challenging little one.”
- “Feeling supported and understood was huge. Having programming that spoke to my situation and meeting parents in similar situations felt so empowering.”
- “DPSN has given me tools and information to help become a better parent.”
- “I have attended multiple workshops, but my favourite one was Raising Spirited Children. I also appreciated the opportunity to connect with other parents who were also raising spirited children.”
- “So glad I found these resources as well as other topics that will benefit me and my family.”
When parents are supported, families thrive. When families thrive, children flourish.