Primrose Elementary School

Sharing Recipient Stories
2022 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
We want to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to Dufferin County for their continued support through the Grant Program to our School Wide Breakfast Program.
Thanks to your generosity we have been able to maintain an “access to all” model at our school. Every day, we provide a three-course option breakfast to every student at the school. This includes a fruit/veggie option, a grain option and a dairy option. We have approximately 450 students who use this program on a daily basis. This helps to ensure that students are prepared and ready for their day and can learn successfully. No students go without, and the impact of food scarcity is minimized. With access to the funds provided by Dufferin County, we eliminate any s=gmas associated with the breakfast program but con=nuing with our Food Available for All MoVo. We could not do it without you! Thank you!