Bethell Hospice

Sharing Recipient Stories
2022 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
Hike for Bethell Hospice Impact Story – May 2022
The 12th Annual Hike for Bethell Hospice was the most successful Hike to date. It was held as an in-person event with over 400 participants at the Lloyd Wilson Centennial Arena in Inglewood, ON with a virtual component also available for those unable to attend. The event raised over $225,000 which was due in part to the support received from Dufferin County.
The Hike for Bethell Hospice generates funds in support of residents, their family members and community participants. The goal for 2022 was to raise $225,000 to contribute to the $1.5M needed to keep the doors of Bethell Hospice open and all programs and services available at no cost to those in need. Through sponsorships, online donations and community team support, the Foundation was successful in achieving this goal.
As this was our first post-pandemic event, the arena was set-up for socially distanced registration, food was distributed outdoors, and attendees took part in the outdoor opening/closing ceremonies before embarking on the hike, thus ensuring we complied with all COVID health and safety guidelines.
The impact of the hike is felt by many community supporters and past family resident members who attend each year’s hike as a way to connect and celebrate the lives of their loved ones. Hike captain and Bethell Hospice volunteer, Anita Schenk of Orangeville, explains:
Five years ago, my husband was a Bethell resident for a week at the end of March. It was the first I had ever heard of the hike. Together, we came up with a name for our team and decided to hike that year. It was an intensely emotional event with lots of family and friends attending and it was almost like a celebration of his life all over again! Due to that level of emotion, I debated doing it the next year but decided I wanted to support Bethell and “give back”. Now, 5 years later, it has become such an important annual event. We really come together as a team to honour and remember Dave. I am always amazed at the fundraising we do that includes far-away friends and family – it is very humbling. The day of the hike is the best though! Seeing Dave’s former work-mates and our local friends come together and share special memories is something I am always grateful for. There is a connectedness that is very difficult to describe. It’s a connectedness I wish for all who have lost a special person!
Recognition of Sponsors:
Bethell Hospice Foundation created a banner with sponsor logos that was displayed on the fence at the Lloyd Wilson Centennial Arena where hikers met before and after the walk. The chair of the board, John Sanderson, thanked all sponsors, including Dufferin County, as part of his opening remarks.
Recognition of Dufferin County’s support was also included in our Thank You ad in the local paper and online recognition was provided on our event website. There were also numerous mentions in our social media posts thanking our Hike sponsors.