Shelburne & District Horticultural Society

Sharing Recipient Stories
2022 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
Thanks to your support the Shelburne & District Horticultural Society was able to offer excellent informational speakers to our members this year as we were unable to do our usual fundraising the previous year. Our members were able to learn about the importance of adding Native plants to our gardens from Vicki Reynolds who has a local nursery called Not So Hollow Farms in Mulmur. We were also able to learn the science behind how to naturally improve our soil health by using BioChar and compost from Owen Goltz from Riverdale Farms in Inglewood. A plant that has a healthy root system isn’t attacked by disease or bugs and produces a lot more harvest compared to those with a weaker system. The last speaker we chose using these funds was Julia Dimakos, “The Gardening Girl” in Mono. She shared her strategies for growing in raised beds for continual bountiful harvests. Having the option of growing your own vegetables for self sufficiency is so important in our current times.
Using this valuable information our members can implement these lessons to improve soil health, biodiversity and grow food for themselves and their families.