Dufferin Parent Support Network

Sharing Recipient Stories
2022 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
Dufferin Parent Support Network understands how difficult parenting can be and supports parents through workshops and online resources. By providing parents with opportunities to learn new ways to address challenging behaviours and manage anger and stress, DPSN is buffering the effects of the isolation and overwhelming challenges they are facing. This, in turns, can lessen the effects on the children and youth.
So far in 2022, DPSN has hosted 30 parenting workshops over 32 evenings on topics such as anger and stress management, improving family dynamics and communication to reduce conflict, co-regulation strategies, helping children with ADHD thrive, and staying connected with tweens and teens. Another two workshops are planned for December: Siblings without Rivalry and Supporting Your Child through Anxiety and Other Big Emotions.
These workshops focus on developing a deeper understanding of children’s behaviour in order to respond more effectively.
DPSN has also added resources to the website, including articles, downloadable content, videos, and book and website recommendations.
Nearly 300 participants have attended the workshops so far in 2022. Attendees report that their parenting knowledge and understanding has increased and that they have learned strategies that will be useful to them in their parenting.
Here is what our parents are saying:
Thank you so much for offering these great resources.
I have found the workshops comforting and helpful
Great session. I was able to get some context as to why my child acts the way she does.
So thankful for the workshops!
Very good workshop. I would watch it again. You always miss something the first time around, so a repeat would be very good.
Very helpful–I will try things.
Very informative and well done!
Very informative! Great facilitation style!
Thank you for shining the light on such a complex topic in such a palatable way.
Please offer this workshop again! It was a lot of information to digest in an hour. Thank you though. It was extremely helpful
This was such a wealth of information! Please offer this workshop again!
Thank you for the workshops. It has helped my familly in this pandemic.
I was really impressed how much high quality content was delivered in such a short time. So thankful!
Thank you for a great workshop! It was very informative for myself and especially my husband.
When parents are supported, families thrive. When families thrive, children flourish.
655 Riddell Road Orangeville, ON L9W 4Z5
Phone: (519) 940-8678 Fax: (519) 940-8848 Email: info@dpsn.ca Website: www.dpsn.ca