Highlands Youth for Christ

Sharing Recipient Stories
2022 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
Impact Story as written by Jan Oorebeek, Grand Valley Director
Youth Unlimited YFC Grand Valley – Community Youth Hub
“What’s your wi-fi password?” Students’ lives are intricately connected online, communicating with their friends and staying in touch with their parents. Not all students are able to afford phones/devices with data plans so many rely on free wifi sources to stay connected. “I love that you guys have free wi-fi.” The funds provided by the Dufferin Community Foundation has provided the centre with 2 years of internet access.
A recent Toronto Star article reported “Canada’s digital divide has been laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic — with lower-income families and marginalized communities bearing the greatest brunt.” Through the generous support of the Dufferin Community Foundation, we also purchased two laptops for student use. “This is so cool. Can we really use these?”
All of the centre’s signage is years old and decidedly “dated”. Funds will be used to replace current building signage, with smaller “sandwich” boards placed outside to advertise when programs are running. We anticipate this new signage will increase our visibility in the growing community of Grand Valley. Thanks Dufferin Community Foundation!