Orangeville Community Band

Sharing Recipient Stories
2022 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
To gather together, make music, and share it with the people and communities that surround and support us: that is at the very heart of the Orangeville Community Band. During normal times it was already a significant task for us to maintain the Band and be able to present ourselves and our music to the community. During the past two years it became virtually impossible to continue our normal operations; even just to gather for a rehearsal became an overwhelming task that could only be accomplished at very few select times of the year.
Not only could we not share our love of music with our friends and families, we also could not hold fundraising events like we had in the past. Those funds are critical to the continued functioning of the Band, and that is why we are incredibly grateful to the County of Dufferin for their financial support this past year.
On October 15th, 2022, we held our first public performance as a group in over two years and showcased brand new music purchased using funds provided by Dufferin’s Community Grant Program!
Brand new music written in the past two years, such as the tributes to healthcare and safety workers who have helped get us all through these difficult times, provided us with a tailored way to show our gratitude. Fittingly, it was a Thanksgiving concert, and without Dufferin County’s support we would not have been able to put on the performance we did…Thank You!!!
Not only did the support allow us to begin returning to normal operating shape, it also allowed us to partner with the Salvation Army’s New Hope Community Church’s Food Bank program, and we were so pleased to have the donation box overflowing by the end of the evening!
Our Beginner Band program has finally been able to resume as well, and we are also looking forward to our upcoming Music of Christmas concert on December 10th at the New Hope Community Church. Once again we will be featuring new music made possible by the County of Dufferin.
We strive to serve our community, and it is always so encouraging and such an honour when our community supports us in turn. Thank you Dufferin!
Peter Gardhouse,
Orangeville Community Band