Caledon Dufferin Victim Services

Sharing Recipient Stories
2022 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
Sharing our grant story
Every victim matters. Our focus at CDVS is to ensure that whether longstanding community members, new to our community or affected by an incident while just passing through, everyone especially the most vulnerable, have the supports, information and referrals they need when they need it most. This project helped provide connection, training and resource awareness to Caledon\Dufferin Victim Services staff and Crisis Responders, to better respond to the unique issues faced by the BIPOC and other underserviced & marginalized communities in Dufferin.
With a client base that is rapidly growing; and a larger proportion of that new growth now coming from new immigrants, the BIPOC and the 2SLGBTQ+ community, we need all the training tools and the practical resources to heighten our cultural sensibilities and deliver a fairer, more informed interaction with the local community we both serve, and are so deeply invested in. Victims will benefit from the agency’s increased capacity to outreach and serve individuals when they see themselves reflected both in the agency and services it provides. Our ability to respond to each client’s unique needs/situation ensures we provide optimal support & assistance.
Grant funds were also used to create & distribute information about CDVS specifically geared to Dufferin newcomers. A newspaper campaign reached over 32,500 households and a targeted social media campaign advertised our services through the platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Our Newcomer brochures were distributed to the Dufferin community and police. A mailout campaign distributed over 67 packages to social services, real estate agents, pharmacies, libraries, thrift stores, funeral homes, community centers & welcome centers across Dufferin County. Outreach continues to strengthen our capacity to support/ educate our community, which ultimately helps us in reaching more victims & their families.