Westminister Orangeville

Sharing Recipient Stories
2021 Dufferin County Food for Thought Grant Recipient
$1,500 | Youth & Senior Services
Through the generous support of a Dufferin County Community Grant $aving Thyme, a food literacy initiative, has been able to present a time efficient and budget friendly meal plan to the residents of Dufferin County each week on the Westminster Orangeville YouTube channel.
By reviewing the specials at local grocery stores a recipe is created to make a meal for a family of four that can be completed in an hour or less for $15 or less with the sales at one store. The Food for Thought grant money, along with the support of the stores and Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance, has provided the means to equip the kitchen at Westminster and to purchase the items necessary for the recipe demonstration.
In a fun and friendly format the $aving Thyme host, Margo Tasker, shows it’s absolutely possible to have a nutritious, locally sourced meal on the table to share with our families while respecting the time and budget constraints of our community. With recommendations from resources such as the Orangeville Food Bank, Edify Centre, and the Westminster United Church Outreach team, the demonstration meal is delivered to a local family.
The video audience continues to grow with more and more subscribers each week and individual videos getting hundreds of views each and the project is working with other food security initiatives in the area to further its reach and impact. The program’s appeal was recognized in a story featured in the “Orangeville Banner”. https://www.orangeville.com/news-story/10360567-orangeville-church-cooking-show-all-about-saving-thyme-/
Thank you so much for being the means by which we are able to keep this worthwhile program going,
Margo Tasker, $aving Thyme, Westminster United Church of Orangeville
What people are saying:
“I have made 2 of your recipes so far and they were delicious! Thank you for this”
“Amazing This has been so needed!! Thank you…”
“Love these videos. I’ve made many of them and they are all delicious!”
“Love these recipes and tips…they are all delicious and my family loves them. Thank you for doing the videos and sharing them. Great job.”
“Looks delicious!! I have tried a lot of them. They always turn out good.”
“Oh my goodness Margo, you are SO fun to watch!”
“I inevitably learn something I can use from each of your videos…Thank you so much for sharing your talents.”
“Thank you for another great dinner idea. I look forward to more recipes.”
“Awesome…I look forward to your suggestions.”