Dufferin Parent Support Network

Sharing Recipient Stories
2021 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
$15,000 | Youth & Senior Services
I am so happy I came across your network, I have not been able to find anything as helpful. The resources, information, workshops have given me hope and I am so happy as I am starting to feel more positive. This is the best resource out there for parents and I even found information on sensory issues. If in future you are running a workshop on this topic that would be great but the few upcoming ones seem very interesting so I will be attending those as well.
Parents are facing increased challenges due to the pandemic, including isolation, schooling from home, and concerns about mental and physical health. Children and youth are also under additional pressures and parents are struggling with how to respond to their stress behaviours.
Dufferin Parent Support Network understands how difficult parenting can be under the best circumstances and has risen to the challenge to support parents during these unprecedented times.
Since January 2021, DPSN has hosted 31 parenting workshops on topics such as anger and stress management, improving family dynamics and communication to reduce conflict, co-regulation strategies, managing anxiety, and sibling relationships in difficult times. In response to a spike in eating disorders, as reported by Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, DPSN also hosted a workshop about eating disorders and healthy body image in February, and another about picky eaters in March. DPSN also held a workshop just for dads, Best Dads: Parenting Toolbox Just for Dads, in June. One workshop was recorded for on-demand viewing.
These workshops focus on developing a deeper understanding of children’s behaviour in order to respond more effectively.
In addition, four workshops have been experiential, including art activities that parents can use to help their children and youth manage stress and big emotions. A fifth workshop is scheduled for mid-December, and children have been invited to participate in the art activities.
DPSN has also added resources to the website, including articles, downloadable content, videos, and book and website recommendations.
A total of 427 participants have attended the workshops so far in 2021. More than 97% of attendees report that their parenting knowledge and understanding has increased and that they have learned strategies that will be useful to them in their parenting. In addition, more than 95% report feeling more optimistic and confident in their parenting.
By providing parents with opportunities to learn new ways to address challenging behaviours and manage anger and stress, DPSN is buffering the effects of the isolation and overwhelming challenges they are facing. This, in turn, lessens the effects on the children and youth.
We have made huge improvements here with my twins and the tantrums. Its night and day really. and my one daughter who suffers the worst of the tantrums says she is feeling so much better because she was really having a lot of remorse after a fit. She is having less outbursts, and when she does have one, they seem to be getting shorter…I’m so happy for her because she really was down on herself and now she can feel the changes.
655 Riddell Road Orangeville, ON L9W 4Z5
Phone: (519) 940-8678 Fax: (519) 940-8848 Email: info@dpsn.ca Website: www.dpsn.ca
When parents are supported, families thrive. When families thrive, children flourish.