Caledon Meals on Wheels

Sharing Recipient Stories
2021 Dufferin County Food for Thought Grant Recipient
$3,000 | Youth & Senior Services
Reporting Period: April 1, 2021 – October 30, 2021.
Caledon Meals on Wheels (CMOW) received a $3000 grant in 2021 for the provision of additional food subsidies for low-income eligible clients living in Orangeville.
Number of persons served & Number of meals provided– Caledon Meals on Wheels (CMOW) provided 8 Orangeville residents (seniors, people with disabilities/ illness) in financial need with hot meals at an additional subsidy.
Demographics (who was served)
- 100% of clients lived in Orangeville
- 100% income was assessed as at or below the LICO (low income cut off)
- Female clients – 3; Male clients- 5
- The ages ranged from 55 to 92 years of age with the average age being 69.5 years old.
- 5% of clients self-disclosed as having a mental health disability; 75% reported having a physical disability, 100% were older adults/seniors with low incomes.
Total hours operated for the year – Caledon Meals on Wheels (CMOW) continued to operate throughout this time frame as per normal business hours.
Substantiation of how the grant was utilized/how the program benefited – The total grant received was $3,000 and was used exclusively to support Orangeville clients by providing subsidies experiencing financial hardships and could not afford the meals. During the reporting period of April 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021 (7 months) $4060.20 in subsidies were provided to the 8 Orangeville residents. This allowed 571 meals to be delivered to Orangeville clients in need.
Share My Story- When we think of retirement we think of days of leisure, travelling, golf or maybe taking up a new hobby? This was the case for Michael. Michael (not his real name) came to us as one of our meal clients who, as a result of a serious life limiting illness, needed but could not afford to pay for his meals. He was a young senior, who was not ready to retire from his professional job but because of the illness, was no longer able to work and could no longer shop or cook regular hot meals for himself. This was devastating, and he slipped into a depression that further isolated him from his natural supports. His doctor referred him to Caledon Meals on Wheels (CMOW), but when he realized the cost of the already subsidized meals was too much for his budget he declined the service. After CMOW staff gently asked him why he was no longer interested, he disclosed that he couldn’t afford to pay. CMOW arranged to start sending meals immediately and arranged to meet with him in the following week to complete a financial assessment. Michael because of his high rental costs had very little money for food, and was approved for fully subsidized meals. “With your meals, I feel better and have more hope than I have had in a long time… I look forward to seeing the volunteer each time they deliver the meal to me, it’s nice to know they care. Thank you to Meals on Wheels and the volunteers for everything you do.”
CMOW quote “Caledon Meals on Wheels has provided meals and financial subsidies for many years in Orangeville to Seniors and people with disabilities. We have seen firsthand that nutrition and social connection is so important in supporting people to live with the best possible health, and independently, in their homes for as long as possible”.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact: Christine Sevigny, Executive Director or 905 857 7651