Caledon Dufferin Victim Services

Sharing Recipient Stories
2021 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
$5,500 | Youth & Seniors Services
The Dufferin community is growing. There are numerous new housing developments and expansion in Mono Township, Grand Valley, Shelburne and Orangeville. With the COVID pandemic keeping most people limited in their interaction & movement in the community, many individuals and families in need of support were exploring available resources by accessing the internet to view websites & social media; and relying on printed materials delivered to their homes or available in conspicuous locations.
The funds received from the County of Dufferin were used to advertise at key times such as back to school, COVID lockdown and reopening. Newspaper campaigns reached over 32,500 households in the Caledon\Dufferin area during the duration of each campaign. Funds were also used to develop targeted media campaigns to advertise our services to residents of Dufferin through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Community service providers and new clients utilizing our service report seeing our local advertising.
No one plans to be a victim! Our focus at CDVS is to ensure that no one has to deal with a crisis alone. We continue to commit to ensuring that even the most vulnerable members of society including seniors and youth, have the supports, information and referrals they need when they need it most. Our new program information was provided in the form of brochures distributed to victims, their families and police with a community wide targeted mailout campaign that reached social services, local agencies & community organizations ensuring maximum distribution in a safe and convenient manner. Over 43 packages were mailed out across all of Dufferin County. Additionally, over 50 CDVS crisis responders have access to the provided resources materials for distribution to clients and their families.
Outreach continues to strengthen our capacity to support and educate our community regarding the programs & services we offer, which ultimately helps us in reaching more victims.
Police Information Outreach-Print Media Ads
Printed educational materials were provided to OPP police officers especially those new to the area with the transition of Policing in Orangeville and Shelburne. This helped to inform them about CDVS programs and services, referral processes and agency contact information, so they could better inform community members subsequent to an incident involving police services. Outreach and education to our police partners and the community is key to victim support. At CDVS we want to ensure that everyone has the support, information and referrals they need and no one needs to cope with a crisis alone.