Bruce Trail Conservancy, Dufferin Hi-Land Club

Sharing Recipient Stories
2021 Dufferin County Community Grant Recipient
$500 | Youth & Seniors Services
“Free things to do near me” is a common online search for parents looking for activities to do with their children. The Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club (DHBTC) was already exploring ways to engage youngsters out of doors that was fun and safe. Our Children’s Treasure Hike and School Outreach program have been popular choices for local families and schools. We were looking for another way to attract youngsters to experience nature and give them a goal to work towards.
The typical badge program that adults enjoy is to complete a series of hikes. These hikes can be long, and many hikes are required to fulfill the requirements needed to earn a badge.
In an effort to attract young people to the physical and psychological benefits of hiking, the Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club decided to offer a free Young Hiker Badge. Hikers must be 13 years of age or younger and complete one or more hikes on the Dufferin Hi-Land section that is a minimum of 3 km long, or that takes at least one hour. Applicants then submit their information to the Club’s badge support volunteer and the badge is mailed.
The idea had merit. Families could walk together safely in nature. It was beneficial for body, mind and spirit. It was doable and, best of all, it was free. For young kids it was an adventure which allowed them to experience the sights, sounds and smells following a trail in a forest. At the end of the hike, they earned a badge.
The “I hike the Bruce Traill” badge has been very successful. To date, 44 have been mailed out, representing children in Dufferin County and beyond who can proudly display their badge and encourage others to earn their own. This is one way to promote a life-long healthy routine and that very first experience often determines how the next one will go.
DHBTC recently introduced an Adventure Series badges aimed at youth under 15. These 2 badges are based on ability over age, and require 2 hikes in each season. That means it will take another year before we can measure their success but we’ll keep you posted! Both badges were promoted using Facebook advertising. Thank you for helping us reach a wider audience with the grant.
Our kind regards
Susan Ford, President
Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club
Letters are always charming and bring a smile; more so when they are written by the child’s own hand. We love to hear those positive first hand experiences. Read on:
- We sent 2 badges to a pair of brothers; The letter started, “Congratulations John and James,” (not their real names). Their mom contacted me after they received their badges to ask if I could please rewrite them so that each boy had his own letter because each keeps a book of their accomplishments. She offered to pay for the extra postage this would cost but of course I happily sent 2 letters, one addressed to each boy, at no cost to them. Imagine having such a book to look back on in later years – what a great idea.
- Another mom wrote to ask for a badge for her son’s friend. The son had already earned his badge, and the mom wanted to surprise the young friend who had hiked with them. So thoughtful and heart-warming.
- One child sent a picture of a stick, telling me that it was 3 meters long. On the next page was another stick, “even longer”!
- There have been a lot of enthusiastic comments from badge earners and their parents: “We had fun…and learned all the do’s and don’ts of hiking on the trails. We are excited to do more hiking and exploring.”
- “The kids had a great hike. They really enjoyed the day!! Thanks for offering them a goal to achieve.”
- “We had a lot of fun and can’t wait to come hiking again.”
Such comments emphasize how worthwhile this program is in encouraging children to interact with the great outdoors.
Thank you once again for your generous donation earlier this year. The DUFFERIN BRUCE TRAIL CLUB used the money as follows:
- One was to create a “I hike the Bruce Trail” badge which is free to anyone who gets outside on the trail and walks a minimum of 3km. To date we have sent out 44 badges. (Invoice: Grant Custom)
- The remainder of the grant money was used to promote Adventure Series hikes for youth under 15 and to promote Bruce Trail Day to families (3 Facebook ads)
What with the unusual restrictions placed on all of us this year, our Club chose to promote walking outside for health and mental wellness with the family unit while remaining local.
Thank you,
Susan Bate
President DHBTC