Headwaters Health Care AGM

Headwaters Health Care Centre held its first virtual Annual General Meeting this month. The hospital shared some of its successes with staff, volunteer, community partners and partners in the Hills of Headwaters Collaborative Ontario Health Team. The true meaning of One Community, Caring Together has been evident in the actions by so many during this past year, and certainly was clearly demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The hospital was fortunate to have been provided with monetary donations, contributions of food and personal protective equipment to name a few.
Dr. Michael Gagnon and Dr. Charlie Joyce, are the recipients of the Dr. David Scott Award. Both are local family physicians who each have their own unique stories of providing unparalleled care to their patients and a commitment to the betterment of care within our communities.
The COVID-19 Assessment Centre Start-Up Team and the Long-Term Care Response Team were this year’s recipients of the Chair’s Award. Each of these teams of individuals, organizations and municipal leaders played a key role in supporting specific aspects of our community-response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of those involved are part of the Hills of Headwaters Collaborative Ontario Health Team. The actions speak again to how our community responds and steps up when called upon for help.
The Board of Directors also welcomed five new Board members: Winnifred Anderson, Adrian Bita, Barb Fitzgerald, Gerry Merkley and Shelley Scriver. Ken Topping and Winnifred Anderson have been named as a Patient Family Caregiver Director, a new role on the Board this year. This position will have patient, family, and caregiver centricity as their primary lens and function on the Board.
The Hospital’s Annual Report features many milestones and successes. Another first for the hospital was that this year’s editorial team included three of its patient family advisors.