New Emergency Funding Responding to COVID-19

Over $100,000 for Dufferin charities
Funding from the Government of Canada is now available to charities and non-profit organizations serving vulnerable populations during the pandemic. The Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) is an opportunity to make sure we are not leaving any Canadians behind during COVID-19.
Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is one of the national partners delivering these funds and the Dufferin Community Foundation is teaming up with CFC to award more than $100,000 over the coming weeks to qualified donees in our area who meet the Fund criteria.
- You will find additional information about the Fund and all the materials you will need to prepare an application here We will post more information on our website as it becomes available.
- Complete the online application which should take about 20 minutes. It has some brief questions about your project and the vulnerable groups your organization is supporting. It will also request your project budget.
- Applications will be received and assessed on a weekly rolling basis, so that you can get an answer as soon as possible. Final closing date to submit an application is July 27, 2020.