Community Food Access Conversation February 2015

This event has passed.
Please join us to discuss and collaborate!
Register now for The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA)
Community Food Access Conversation happening February 4th, 2015.
The mandate of the HFFA is to address issues concerning the food system in Headwaters.
As a valued community member, organization or service provider involved in food access and poverty work you are invited to attend a Community Food Access Conversation hosted by the HFFA Food Access subgroup on February 4th, 2015.
The morning will provide an opportunity to:
- Hear feature speaker Lisa Needham from the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit will discuss the issue of food insecurity and how it relates to the Headwaters region.
- Participate in engaging conversations with others interested in food access and poverty work
- Share ideas, success and challenges
- Discover opportunities and areas to work together, such as food skills programs, gardens, gleaning and poverty reduction
- Be part of increasing food security in our community
When : Wednesday February 4th 2015 9:00-11:00 am
Where : Wellington – Dufferin – Guelph Public Health Unit, Meeting Room C,
180 Broadway, Orangeville. L9W 1K3
Breakfast will be provided and the information and feedback gathered will be collated and shared with participants, and next steps identified.
There is no fee, please register early so we can plan properly!