Farm to School Project Report

Thanks to super foodie Jennifer Payne, our Farm to School project and its partner program Food Club are both proceeding not just to plan, but exceeding expectations with more families getting involved weekly:
We now have:
144 unique memberships (including 2 free per school, representing 558 mouths to feed)
378 packs delivered at 3 schools = $7,275
Grant outcome targets:
Target 760 Food Club packs sold = sold 596, 78% achieved
Target $11,400 in revenue = 100% achieved which means that financial targets are on track and fundraising is starting to ensure sustainability beyond the grant period – yay!
15 workshops = 47% achieved (+4 requests pending = 73%)
5 schools = 100% achieved
It’s important to know that $1,192 in funds have been raised for the schools. Most of which the School Champions have earmarked for their Student Nutrition Programs.
Facebook has 49 likes (up 5 from last month)
Twitter has 56 followers (same as last month)
Over 200 students impacted between F2S workshops and various “food days”.
This program is doing fantastically with more and more families enjoying fresh food and learning new recipes. This past months newsletter for food club members included a pizza recipe by our own Jacalyn Dryland – registered dietician. Many of the kids involved are joining in the kitchen fun. Yum!
Learn more about the program at: