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Headwaters Communities in Action

Get Thee to the Trails!

The colours are stunning this year — so get out there and enjoy them with lots of fresh air. Here's the inside scoop on HCIA and thank you for staying engaged with your community.


In This Issue

HFFA Celebrates Local Food

Join Headwaters Foodies, advocates, producers, etc in celebrating the HFFA's successes of 2014 and plans for the future. This year we will be sharing the highlights of the Study: Growing a Local Food System which outlines the gaps and challenges of our food system. The study outputs will be guiding the work of the HFFA going forward. We will also be featuring a speaker on Food Charters and what this means to Headwaters. Participants will hear about key components for the charter and have an opportunity to weigh in. This event marks the kickoff to our regional food charter efforts. Fresh local culinary delights supported by a super speaker lineup will make for an engaging evening. The cost of $10 will serve as a donation to our local area food bank.

When: Tuesday November 25th, 4 to 7pm
Where: Amaranth Town Hall

Who? You - please register now!

HFFA Celebrates Local Food

Headwaters Food Summit

Best Ever!

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the 45 people who attended our Annual General Meeting on Oct 9. We were truly thrilled at the attendance and enthusiasm. The event doubled as a kickoff to our Community Well-Being refresh. The business part of the evening was kept short, though we did take the opportunity to thank our terrific community partners. Following that, the crowd split into 4 discussion groups to talk about HCIA past present and future. There was terrific engagement by all attendees and some great feedback was gathered on some of the emerging issues that people are seeing in our community. Next steps for us is amalgamating all of the notes into a report by the end of the month. This feedback will be forming the basis of our Community Well-being refresh project and guide our activity going forward.

Can-Bike safe cycling workshop



Farm to School / Food Club

The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance was at the Orangeville Agricultural Fair last month providing curious folks with materials on the farm to school learning program being developed for some lucky headwaters school kids. Here is project coordinator Jennifer Payne (left) and HFFA's new chair Jacalyn Dryland in front of the display with a rising rock star. It was our first opportunity to showcase not only the developing program, but our new promotional banner. Both the Farm to School and the Food Club projects will benefit from elbow grease. If you're a foodie who wants in on these projects, give us a shout.

Farm to School and the Food Club


Farm to School / Food Club

Emerging Issues? Meet ALAS

At one of our recent learning series, we were lucky enough to meet an energetic group of women who have challenged young adults with not enough to do - they took matters into their own hands. Director Sara Magee has this to say: Active Lives After School Dufferin (ALAS Dufferin) started out as an idea over coffee. Nine Mothers worried about what our special needs kids would do when they finished high school. There is a long waiting list for the one day program available and some graduates of the transition program in high school now have nowhere to go to fill their days. We, the Board of Directors of ALAS Dufferin, are working diligently to start a day program in the near future. We want our kids to live an active and healthy life in our community. We want them to feel accepted and we want them to feel that they are a part of the community that they belong. For more information on our developing program, or for inquiries please contact us at:

ALAS Dufferin


ALAS Dufferin

Rural Transportation Study

HCIA's Dufferin Transportation Learning Series committee has been convening for some time to assess what the transportation resources are in Headwaters, and what the opportunities and challenges are. The group reached a point where there was little further to glean without the assistance of a resource to do the analysis. At just the right time the Rural Ontario Institute garnered a Trillium grant to do a deep dive on 3 Ontario regions. Our group was lucky enough to position Dufferin county to be a region of focus. The study is complete and is available on our site.

Rural Transportation Study


Rural Transportation Study

Baker Trail opens Friday, October 24th

Trails - the Friends of Island Lake are now ready to launch the fruits of their fundraising efforts with the official Grand Opening of the Baker Trail, on Friday, October 24th sponsored by Mono Council. The Baker Trail is a 1.2 km trail that has been completed to form a loop between the north shore of the CVC's Vicki Baron Lakeside Trail and Mono's Island Lake Trail off of Hockley Road. The opening will be held just off of Hockley Road at 11 am. This opening event is rain or shine, so please bring your walking shoes to enjoy this new section of trail. If you would like to donate to Friends of Island Lake (FOIL), you can do so online.

Friends of Island Lake

Dufferin Transportation Options

Find A Ride

Listings about existing transportation options available in Headwaters, learn about eligibility requirements, hours of service and cost.

Find A Ride

Headwaters Trail Maps

Trail Maps Listing

Over 20 trail descriptions, details and maps in the Headwaters region. Take a hike, enjoy a meal and browse our local shops!

Trail Maps Listing

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Headwaters Communities in Action