Managing risk - what you need to know seminar
When: Wednesday June 3
Time: 6 - 9 pm
Where: Orangeville
Together with Carters, BDO is pleased to offer a forum to discuss managing risk in your organization. We will explore organizational risks, including legal liability, fraud and cyberspace. Senior management and board members will benefit from Terry Carter's presentation on Basic Legal Risk Management for Not-for-Profits and Charities. This session will provide a practical explanation of the essentials of risk management, as well as effective due diligence steps that can be taken to reduce exposure to unnecessary legal liability. You will leave with a "Legal Risk Management Checklist" to apply to your organization. Learn more and register now.
New Trillium Funding Dates for Ontario's Nonprofit Sector
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) will begin to accept organization registrations from potential applicants on July 22, 2015.
The grant application deadlines for each stream are as follows:
Grow Grants: August 26, 2015
Seed and Capital Grants: September 2, 2015 Collective Impact Grants: there are no deadlines for submitting applications and they will be accepted on an ongoing basis.
HCIA will be hosting a Trillium information session in Dufferin soon – stay tuned.
Do The Math Challenge - an inspiring event
Read first hand what the Do The Math Participants thought about their experiences living on a food bank diet for 3 - 5 days.
"I was hungry all day, even though I had enough food, quantity wise, it wasn't satisfying for me. Tomorrow comes the can of chicken meat which I have been avoiding."
Compass 5K4Food
When: Saturday, June 13, 2015
The Compass 5K4Food Fun Run is hosted by Compass Community Church. The goal of the Compass 5K4Food is to provide healthy food for children by raising $5,000 for the Shelburne Food Bank and $10,000 for the Orangeville Food Bank. The 5K route is a loop that takes runners down Credit Valley Conservation's beautiful and flat Lakeside Trail and Mono's Baker Trail.
Have your say and win dinner out!
Tell Us What You Think: What's important to Community Well-being in Headwaters Today?
The results will help us to get an update about what residents, business, organizations and government believe is important in continuing to enhance community well-being in Headwaters.
If you complete the survey and provide us with your contact information, your name will be entered into our draw for a $100 gift certificate at The Globe Restaurant in Rosemont or Mrs. Mitchell's Restaurant in Violet Hill.

Find A Ride
Listings about existing transportation options available in Headwaters, learn about eligibility requirements, hours of service and cost.

Trail Maps Listing
Over 20 trail descriptions, details and maps in the Headwaters region. Take a hike, enjoy a meal and browse our local shops!
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