In This Issue
Welcome to spring everyone! While the warmer temps are taking their time, lots of great activities are happening here at HCIA.
Dinner out anyone? Take our well-being survey!
One rejuvenating activity is our Community well-being refresh project. This work is a follow up to the 2008 Citizen Survey and 2011 Headwaters Community Well-Being Report that generated a snapshot of important aspects of community life based upon what citizens said they valued most. HCIA used feedback from the 2011 Report to identify the specific areas for shared action that we have been helping to advance since: Headwaters Trails & Active Transportation; Headwaters Food & Farming; Strengthening our Not-for-Profit Sector; and, Rural Transportation options. Results from this 2015 survey will be used by HCIA to help build consensus on the next priorities for shared action within our region. The survey will be active until June 30 2015. If you complete it and provide us with your contact information, your name will be entered into our draw for a $100 gift certificate at The Globe Restaurant in Rosemont or Mrs. Mitchell's Restaurant in Violet Hill. Now there's a link between good food and well-being.
Take the Headwaters 2015 Community Well-being Survey >
Yes! You can walk and talk at the same time
We would like to welcome everyone to our newly minted HCIA committee:
CHATT - Citizens of
Headwaters for Active Transportation Team
Including Trails as a key element of what defines this group, we have adopted a new name which better reflects the overall mandate and mission of the group. CHATT will promote the benefits of Active Transportation. We define this as transportation that works for all kinds of communities, from small rural towns to urban centers. It's non-motorized transportation - any way for people to actively get around. CHATT will support establishment of Active Transportation routes (via: e.g. work through DCATT (The Dufferin County Active Transportation Team) and other associated Headwaters plans, sit on local committees as necessary, and promote initiatives via social media). CHATT will support active transportation initiatives in the Headwaters Region. We will also continue to support the existence and maintenance of regional trails.
Call to Action: we need your help! Calling all Headwaters Walkers, Joggers, Cylclists and anyone who likes to spend time away from the couch. Interested in joining CHATT and helping Headwaters get active in support of community well-being? Join the committee or volunteer for one of our summer cycling workshops. Connect and drop us a line.
Community Food Access Conversation - a huge success!
On Feb 4th Headwaters Communities in Action, (HCIA), The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) and Wellington-Dufferin Public Health Unit hosted a Community Food Access Conversation. The event was organized by the Food Education, Literacy and Access committee of HFFA to address the need to convene community members, organizations and service providers on issues of food security.
The HFFA Food Access sub-group has provided a follow up report outlining the outcomes and next steps with respect to the 5 priorities areas.
Food Access work continues
The HFFA Food Access committee is inviting attendees who expressed interest in continued collective work to attend follow up facilitated conversations aimed at charting next steps with respect to easy gains, assets and immediate actions in each priority area. The facilitated conversations have been divided into two groups, Poverty Reduction and Food Programs/Gardens and Urban Farming and will take place as follows:
June 4, 2015 at the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit
10:00 am to 12:00 pm - Poverty Reduction
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Food Program/Gardens and Urban Farming. Contact Kathryn McDonald for registration at:
Demonstrating Food Access Issues to our Community:
HCIA and HFFA are supporting Do The Math Challenge to help:
- Increase empathy based on experience
- Raise awareness that charity is not enough and policy change and social investment are required
- Translate public empathy into action
Currently social assistance and minimum wage rates do not reflect the cost of living in Ontario and can put people in jeopardy by making them choose between housing, food and other basic necessities of life. The Do The Math Challenge is a way to help all of us understand that current social assistance and minimum wage levels do not allow people to meet their basic needs and lead a healthy and dignified life. Our expectation is that 10-12 Dufferin County community members will Take the Challenge and eat a typical food bank diet for 3-5 days to help experience what it is like to not have enough money to make ends meet necessitating the need to access emergency food. Participants will share their experience using social media during the challenge April 29 to May 5 and the community at large will have the opportunity to complete a Do The Math Survey and take the challenge as well.
Join us at Do The Math Challenge as a volunteer by contacting Kathryn MacDonald directly at:
Town Hall Community Event
The one week Do The Math Challenge will be culminate with a Town Hall Community Event on May 5 2015, at the Lord Dufferin Centre where there will be the opportunity to share the experiences with the challenge. Guest Moderator: We welcome Michael Balkwill, Provincial Coordinator, Put Food In The Budget, who will lead the panel discussion. Light Refreshments will be served.
When: May 5, 2015, 6:30-8:30 pm
32 First Street, Orangeville
This event is free, please pre-register >
Farm to School Project Report
Thanks to super foodie Jennifer Payne, our Farm to School project and its partner program Food Club are both proceeding not just to plan, but exceeding expectations with more families getting involved weekly. This program is doing fantastically with more and more families enjoying fresh food and learning new recipes. This past months newsletter for food club members included a pizza recipe by our own Jacalyn Dryland, registered dietician. Many of the kids involved are joining in the kitchen fun. Yum!
One of the many organizations supported by United Way and Trillium funding is Torchlight. Their program TeleCheck is on the move and looking for help. The Dufferin location is expanding its daily call-out/check in service to seniors in Dufferin - Orangeville, to reach out and serve an even broader community of our most vulnerable population, their family allies and the professionals who are involved in their care. Learn more about the program and volunteering...
Food Entrepreneurs
On February 25th, 2015 at Monora Park, over one hundred and eighty potential and established entrepreneurs came together with local groups and experts to hear, see and find out how food entrepreneurship is done is Headwaters. The day was a resounding success by all accounts. The event was led by Georgian College who are working to make culinary entrepreneurship part of their offering across campuses. For further information on food entrepreneurship or information from the day download the Story Book and read about the successful local entrepreneurs.

Find A Ride
Listings about existing transportation options available in Headwaters, learn about eligibility requirements, hours of service and cost.

Trail Maps Listing
Over 20 trail descriptions, details and maps in the Headwaters region. Take a hike, enjoy a meal and browse our local shops!
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