Weigh in on the Food Charter • Big OTF Kickoff! • Register now for DC Moves • Fitness for ALL Women
We've had some wild weather swings in Headwaters over the past month which tells us that resilience will be the key for all of us going forward. Community resilience refers to our collective ability to manage through a variety of challenges, not just the weather. That is one of the pillars of well-being that will be addressed in our upcoming Community Well-Being report now in draft mode.
In This Issue
Food Charter project and stakeholder consultations
The HFFA HUB has ramped up the Food Charter project and stakeholder consultations are starting now. If you agree that a food charter should be reflective of the community it represents, and that it should be action oriented, then sign up for a session and share your feedback. The HFFA HUB is seeking input from farmers, producers, chefs, foodies, and almost everyone involved in the Headwaters food system. These initial sessions will add a lot of context to the charter development, and the public will have a chance to weigh in also at later dates.
Consultation #3 Orangeville PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - from 5:30-8:30pm
WDG Public Health Orangeville Office, 180 Broadway, Orangeville, ON
Consultation #4 Shelburne
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 - from 5:30-8:30pm
Shelburne Public Library, 201 Owen Sound St, Shelburne, ON

Big OTF Kickoff! Food project blast off!
As we said in our last newsletter, huge congratulations to Jennifer Payne and her team on successfully garnering a Trillium grant for the highly successful Farm to School and Food Club program. The celebration and open house was held on Friday February 26 at the beautiful Caledon Equestrian Park and attended by over 100 parents, kids and program enthusiasts. MPP Sylvia Jones kicked off the proceedings which were attended by members of Caledon council including Mayor Allan Thompson who addressed the crowd.
HFFA Celebration - Photo by Ashley Jamieson-Burford

DC Moves now in motion
Dufferin County Managing Organizing Visualizing Engagement Strategy

The County of Dufferin and Headwaters Communities in Action are partnering to host the DC Moves Forum. We invite the Executive Directors, program leads, or alternates from human service agencies in Dufferin to participate and provide input.
More than ever it is necessary for human services providers to work closely together, increase their understanding of one another, and be better connected in order to enhance service systems management within the County. This first meeting will be a facilitated interactive and information gathering event to start collaboratively setting directions for future sessions and actions.
- 8:30am to 9am - Registration
- 9am - Welcome
- Working collaboratively in DC
- DC Agencies – what we know
- Strength in Collaboration
- Break
- Presentation of DC Moves
- Service integration as a local model
