HCIA AGM in Review, Poverty Forum, Trillium Info Session, Rural Transportation, Pull Over for Safety
In This Issue
Thank you to those who joined us for our Annual General Meeting on October 28th. It was great to connect with such engaged members of the community and nosh over some half-baked ideas! If you missed it, here are some highlights:
Recognition was given to:
Funders: Ontario Trillium Foundation; United Way; County of Dufferin; Government of Ontario; Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health
Community Partners: Dufferin Board of Trade; County of Dufferin; Lord Dufferin Centre; Town of Mono; Township of Amaranth; Credit Valley Conservation Authority; Mono Nordic; WDG Public Health; Food & Friends
Individuals: Theresa Sauren (DBOT); Jennifer McCorriston (WDGPH); Keith Palmer (Dufferin County); Dave Holwell (Lord Dufferin Centre); Jennifer Payne (HFFA Farm to School); Karen Morrison (CHATT); Kathryn MacDonald (Food Educator and Access Advocate)

Each portfolio gave a report:
CHATT (Citizens of Headwaters for Active Transportation Team) presented the Bike Friendly Communities Initiative, the group’s Terms of Reference and unveiled a new logo.

The HFFA (Headwaters Food & Farming Alliance) report included introduction of preliminary work on a regional food charter and food strategy, Farm to School progress and end of grant funding, and the evolution of Food Access work, with next steps at the Housing and Poverty Forum on November 24th.
A review of the Not-for-Profit Capacity Building included this year’s Collective Impact Seminar, a Senior’s Information Event and the beginnings of the DC MOVES initiative, as well as insights from the ONN, Ontario Non-Profit Network, and a “How we Work” Handbook.
Further study on Rural Transportation indicates that specialty needs are being met in Dufferin, and next steps include municipal efforts on a Shelburne-Orangeville link.
Web statistics, volunteer stats and grant impacts were also presented, indicating a steady growth in the number of contacts on the HCIA mailing list, significant in-kind support and volunteer mobilization.
The history of the Community Well-Being Report and early results from the refresh were shared, as well as the next steps for publishing the refresh report, engaging input and feedback, and prioritizing opportunities.
The evening finished with a Half-Baked Ideas Brainstorming session where groups talked about potential priorities like Local Food, Trails & Active Living, Economic Well-Being/Poverty Reduction and Community Safety. Participants were first inspired by successful projects from other communities, then examined a local issue together. |
Housing and Poverty Forum
Tuesday November 24 - 9am to 3:30pm
Register now!
Presented by the County of Dufferin, in partnership with Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (Headwaters Communities in Action) and Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
This event is an opportunity to convene and engage. The aim is sharing information and raising awareness on the work being done in the areas of Poverty Reduction, Housing, and Homelessness in Dufferin County. The day will involve various interactive activities and guest speakers. The afternoon Keynote Speaker is Karen Glass, Executive Director of the Ontario Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Who Should Attend?
Community agencies, local businesses, municipal leaders, landlords and concerned citizens who are interested in learning about Poverty and Housing issues in Dufferin County and taking action on solution focused strategies.
When: Tuesday November 24, 2015
9:00am – 3:30pm
Where: Salvation Army Church,
690 Riddell Rd, Orangeville, ON L9W 5G5
This event is free and includes lunch.
Space is limited, so please REGISTER.
Trillium Information Session
Friday November 27 - 4 - 6pm
Register now!
Ontario Trillium Foundation will be holding an information session on November 27th 2015 from 4pm to 6pm at the Edelbrock Centre. This session will include an overview of the Foundation’s new investment strategy, the investment streams, and the assessment process.
Space is limited, so please RSVP.
Rural Transportation
How far we've come
The RURAL TRANSPORTATION FORUMS held in June 2014, demonstrated that the Rural Transportation working group, in partnership with the Rural Ontario Institute, had reached a point in this issue where it became clear that further action required municipal leadership. With the funding support of Dufferin County and the Dufferin Board of Trade (at the time, Duff.Biz), a study was conducted to determine actual need and capacity. The agencies that have resources were asked to provide detailed data outlining client needs versus resource availability. The results of that report indicated that current needs are being met.
See: Dufferin County Demand Study
The conversation on transportation in Dufferin is hardly over. As our community grows, so do its needs. It is the special needs community that is largely being provided for with current available options. Getting our citizens to and from work and to post-secondary education is being explored. The Town of Shelburne and Town of Orangeville are in discussion with each other and with Go Transit to determine possible linkages to address the growing needs. Rural transportation in Dufferin has unique challenges that will continue to require our attention.
Keep Communities Safe
Pull Over for Safety
DID YOU KNOW…Emergency vehicles responding to priority calls are often impeded by other motorists that do not pull over allowing them to pass by. Please be aware of emergency vehicles on the roadway and pull over immediately whenever you are approached (either oncoming or from in the same direction) when emergency lighting and/or sirens are activated. The time saved responding to an emergency could make a difference!
Stop on approach of vehicle with flashing lights or bell or siren sounding
Section 159. (1) of the Highway Traffic Act states: The driver of a vehicle, upon the approach of a police, ambulance or fire department vehicle with its bell or siren sounding or with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light or red and blue light, shall immediately bring such vehicle to a standstill, (a) as near as is practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection; or (b) when on a roadway having more than two lanes for traffic and designated for the use of one-way traffic, as near as is practicable to the nearest curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection.

Find A Ride
Listings about existing transportation options available in Headwaters, learn about eligibility requirements, hours of service and cost.

Trail Maps Listing
Over 20 trail descriptions, details and maps in the Headwaters region. Take a hike, enjoy a meal and browse our local shops!
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