Summer is here and the activity hasn't slowed down at all. Last dance – no make that last chance to share your thoughts and maybe win dinner or a movie. Take our well-being survey!
We have extended the well-being survey for a couple of weeks. We are all so busy that not everyone has gotten around to it yet. Your thoughts are so important!
In This Issue
What do you think?
Results from this 2015 survey will be used by HCIA to help build consensus on the next priorities for shared action within our region. The survey will be active until July 31 2015. If you complete it and provide us with your contact information, your name will be entered into our draw for a $100 gift certificate at The Globe Restaurant in Rosemont or Mrs. Mitchell's Restaurant in Violet Hill. Now there’s a link between good food and well-being.
August 25 - Mark your calendars for free Summer Learning
The Tamarack Institute Collective Impact Seminar is coming to Headwaters. HCIA's own Sylvia Cheuy who works with Tamarack will be conducting this fabulous learning opportunity.
Location: Lord Dufferin Centre
Time: Registration and light breakfast 8:30am
Session starts at 9:00am to 12:00pm
Food File - Fresh fundraising for schools
Looking for a novel and healthy fundraising alternative for your child's school? For the 2015-16 school year, the Fresh From the Farm Fundraiser is now available to schools in the Upper Grand District School Board!
CHATT - Citizens of Headwaters for Active Transportation Team
Our CHATT committee has been busy helping Headwaters residents get their bikes tuned up for safe cycling. On June 30 Jeff Lemon hosted a very successful Women's Bike Maintenance workshop at Cycling Elements in Orangeville.
HFFA Food Access - Food Access work continues
The June 4 facilitated Food Access conversations organized by HFFA Food Education Literacy and Access members and hosted by Public Health was another success for the group.
Hold the Date: HCIA AGM!
HCIA Half Baked AGM! If you thought last years AGM was delicious and engaging, join us this year to hear a summary on the Community Well-Being Refresh project.
SAVE: Sept 30th. 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Lord Dufferin Centre, Orangeville
On October 9 last year the refresh was kicked off and attendees shared what they thought the community priorities were. These conversations helped to form the questions for further facilitated sessions and provided the basis for the survey. With the report ready in time for the AGM, attendees will be invited to discuss ideas for addressing community well-being - no matter how half baked those ideas might be! |

Find A Ride
Listings about existing transportation options available in Headwaters, learn about eligibility requirements, hours of service and cost.

Trail Maps Listing
Over 20 trail descriptions, details and maps in the Headwaters region. Take a hike, enjoy a meal and browse our local shops!
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