Volunteer Dufferin

For more information about Volunteer Dufferin visit VolunteerDufferin.ca.

Volunteer Dufferin is a supported project of Headwaters Communities in Action.  It is a web-based platform that matches volunteers with a broad range of opportunities in Dufferin County.

As one of the pillars and indicators of Community Well-Being, our mission is to strengthen the volunteer base in Dufferin and increase community involvement and connectivity by engaging and mobilizing citizens in volunteering in Dufferin.

Whether you’re an organization looking for volunteers or an individual looking to contribute to the community, VolunteerDufferin.ca is the “go to place” for volunteering in Dufferin.

Our Projects

Boardward Bound (2023-24)

Prepare to Engage Dufferin (2023-2024)

Membership Outreach Surveys (annual, March/April)

National Volunteer Week (annual, April)

Nonprofit Appreciation Week (annual, February)

Secondary School Outreach (annual)


Mailing Address:
246372 Hockley Rd
Mono, ON L9W 6K4



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